Tuesday, November 9, 2010

There is good in the world

The past couple of days have been a bit of a daze for me. A friend of mine (from The Knot) lost her triplets after going into preterm labour at twenty weeks over the weekend.

We are all devastated. Most of us on The Knot/The Nest haven't even met each other in person, but we've grown so close over the past couple of years that we all feel the loss as keenly as if it was one of our best friends.

But what happened next is amazing. Our group of "Internet strangers" pulled together to raise almost $600 (with more to come) towards a small token of comfort and gift card for the couple, and a donation to March of Dimes in memory and honour of Avery, Trinity and Langston.

In the face of tragedy, I am reminded that there is still good in the world. God is with us in our deepest hour; if you ever need a reminder, just look at the faces of the people around you.

"Unity" by TheMidnightOrange on Etsy
Rest in peace, little ones.

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